Lucky's Wolf

Lucky's Wolf
This is the Painting I did of a wolf years ago and belongs to Lucky!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Okay so I haven't been on much lately. I have been tired at night so haven't been up long into the night. I worked the last week and a half at the school in Cook and it was fulfilling and eye opening. Just let me tell you this. They couldn't possibly PAY a teacher enough to do what they do every single day all day long. Who cares if they get the summer off. They need it to come back in the fall. I would just like every parent to try and teach a classroom full of students for a couple of days. They would change their tune really quick about complaining about teachers. And ours are doing it without a contract right now... How is that fair?

Alright enough. I am going into town today to Watch Brody while Ericka gets her hair cut. I should go to Virginia to get some new undies and socks but I hate shopping so I will probably put it off till next week when it warms up. I really can't wait to go into Silent Prints tomorrow and do some painting or sewing... I need to be creative I guess.

We have survived and are surviving below zero temps again and they say next week it is supposed to warm up to in the 20's but I will believe it when I see it. This cold is really hurting my hand and nails. Guess I should be adding more Vitamin E to my diet. I have been doing a lot better about drinking more water and have stopped the Diet Coke again. That stuff just hurts my knees and other joints and makes my hair dry and when I don't have it every single day I have terrible headaches.... So maybe my body will work better now.

That is all for now. I will try to keep up in the future...
God Bless everyone.

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