Lucky's Wolf

Lucky's Wolf
This is the Painting I did of a wolf years ago and belongs to Lucky!!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

January last

It is the Holy Sabbath of the Lord today and I am really glad for Sabbath Rest. We will be meeting at Ericka's this afternoon for church and Sabbath School.

I am watching Sacremento Central SDA's Sabbath school on 3ABN right now and they are saying that this year is the Year of Evangelism throughout the North American continent, for Seventh-day Adventists. This should be a given in our church but some don't remember what our goals should be so they need to be reminded. I know that most of our churches think that they are just there to meet once a week and nothing else, but in order to evangelize we must leave our homes and open our hearts to those around us.

Well here it is the last day of January, and I am really glad. This has to have been the coldest January I can remember. There were only a few days that were warm enough to be outside and the rest were below zero. I know that February can be a cold month too but I am hoping that this year we get some nice temps. Today it is actually nice outside. Well warmer. The sun is not shining but that it probably why it is warmer. We are supposed to be getting some snow, but I hope it is not much.

Have a Happy Sabbath everyone....

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Okay so I haven't been on much lately. I have been tired at night so haven't been up long into the night. I worked the last week and a half at the school in Cook and it was fulfilling and eye opening. Just let me tell you this. They couldn't possibly PAY a teacher enough to do what they do every single day all day long. Who cares if they get the summer off. They need it to come back in the fall. I would just like every parent to try and teach a classroom full of students for a couple of days. They would change their tune really quick about complaining about teachers. And ours are doing it without a contract right now... How is that fair?

Alright enough. I am going into town today to Watch Brody while Ericka gets her hair cut. I should go to Virginia to get some new undies and socks but I hate shopping so I will probably put it off till next week when it warms up. I really can't wait to go into Silent Prints tomorrow and do some painting or sewing... I need to be creative I guess.

We have survived and are surviving below zero temps again and they say next week it is supposed to warm up to in the 20's but I will believe it when I see it. This cold is really hurting my hand and nails. Guess I should be adding more Vitamin E to my diet. I have been doing a lot better about drinking more water and have stopped the Diet Coke again. That stuff just hurts my knees and other joints and makes my hair dry and when I don't have it every single day I have terrible headaches.... So maybe my body will work better now.

That is all for now. I will try to keep up in the future...
God Bless everyone.

Monday, January 5, 2009

I worked today and have to work the rest of the week at the Cook School as an aide. It is a good job that I normally have only on Friday, the the regular has an injury so she will be out healing for this week at least. So now I am tired and am going to go to bed. God Bless All.

I did try to break trail at one point but got so bogged down that I lost one of my snowshoes. So I let the long legged Adam do it. I was really winded by the time I got home and was wheezing and coughing. I must have something seriously wrong with my lungs so I guess I better go and see a doctor about it. I am getting pretty frustrated. How can I exercise to lose weight if I can't breath while I am doing it?

Sunday, January 4, 2009

I woke up this morning to more beautiful snow. Lucky is out snow blowing right now which takes him quite a long time as he has to do both our place and his dads place. The Sun is out though so it makes it all beautiful. I should get out and get some photos but it looks and feels like it is very very cold out there. It is only supposed to get to around 0 degrees today. If I had a pair of snowpants I might have considered going out but I don't own a pair so I will just enjoy it from the house.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Okay so I think I have this blogging thing figured out. So now to say a few words.... Christmas was hard again this year... We attended the funeral of a really nice man on the anniversary of my dad's memorial 9 years ago and it brought back a lot of memories. Rick Appleby did a wonderful job.....of making me cry. And Pastor Dale was wonderful also. John Jirik was great about bringing out the fun sides of Greg that we will all miss. I hurt so bad for Greg's family, especially since Christmas will never be the same for them. They will have to work really hard to create some good memories for the grandchildren so that the joy will one day come back. It was a beautiful memorial and I left with a beautiful headache which always happens to me when I cry.

We did have a great Christmas dinner at Ericka and Jeff's and Christmas was a lot more fun with Brody being two this year. He totally learned the whole opening a gift thing. And had so much fun. I had gotten him some Thomas Trains and he played with those a lot. Liz and I had the same thought and she ended up buying the exact same DVD's that I bought for Ericka and Brody. I couldn't help but laugh. We spent Christmas day waiting for Liz and then we didn't get to see her as she was back home in Rapids being sick. It felt like our gathering was incomplete. I miss having her around so much. I just want my kids near me I guess. Anyway she got to come up the next day for a few hours so we got to visit a little.

New Years we were at Ericka's for a Lasagna dinner and it was really good. But I think the peppers in it were too much for my stomach and I ended up going home and going to bed before midnight. I had stomach problems all the next day. I guess rich food is not good for me. I will have to go simpler from now on.

Of course I am not making any resolutions this year because I just disappoint myself all the time. So I am just going to work on it one day at a time. We finally got health Club on our insurance so I will use that a lot. I bought a treadmill over the internet but it turned out to be a dud. I paid 100.00 for it and when I walk on it it blows the fuse after 45 seconds. The person I bought it from did not want it back or give me a refund so I have the behemoth in my house now until I figure out what to do with it. One persons junk has just become my junk....

It is snowing again today and I think we have gotten at least another 4-5 inches. So not much going to happen tomorrow. Today was the Sabbath but we couldn't go anywhere. I will write more about my art on a later date but you can view my art on my blog too.


Welcome to my first blogging attempt. I will tell you a bit about me. I have been married for 26 years to the same man and we have 3 children, ages: 25, 23 and 14. I have one grandson who is two years old and it is really fun keeping up with him. I am an Artist and love to play around on the Computer with my photos. I have over 40,000 photos on my external hard drive that I can use as reference for my paintings or to sell or to use on my various computer fun things. I live in an old abandoned town in Northern Minnesota that I hated at first but now am too old to think of moving... Who wants to move all I have collected. Anyway more about me later when I have learned more about blogging.